

Situation Theatre encourages contributions from the community.

We accept feature articles of between 500 and 1500 words.   We'd love to hear from a wide range of left voices.  We are especially interested in strategies of social movement building.  Please email

We are also excited to receive satirical pieces of 50-400 words with an emphasis on systemic political/economic problems and solutions. Email

Your submissions may include hyperlinks as well as legally sourced and reasonable quality images, gifs and videos, and the source details.  Please submit work in a Word document, text file or within an email.

Please also include a biography of 50-150 words and your twitter/blog/contact details if you wish.




Three simple rules:

1. We embrace intelligent debate and cogent criticism.

2. Personal attacks, trolling and abuse are not welcome and such comments will be deleted.  If you're in the hate speech racket, maybe take up cross-stitch or crochet instead.

3. Irrelevant and commercial content will also be removed.