By Situation Theatre 1/12/2019
This is the introduction to the 7th edition of the Situation Theatre newsletter. It’s a weekly round up of events which also links to our work and the best memes and articles from the week that was. When Sacha Baron Cohen says Hitler could have advertised for the Final Solution on Facebook without sanction and you think he could well be right, it’s probably time to find other ways to engage an audience.
Sign up to the newsletter at the bottom of this article.
Dear Situationists,
Another week, another few pages of “Diary of a Police State”, the much-anticipated sequel to the adorable Australian Children’s Book “Diary of a Wombat”. The thematic ties to “Diary of Anne Frank” are a coincidence.
Ordinary Aussie bloke Prime Minister Scott Morrison did what any ordinary Aussie bloke would do if his mate was under criminal investigation, he called his other mate, the NSW Police Comissioner, for an innocent catch up on the ins and outs of the case.
Meanwhile, the Government spent the week trying to pass legislation to tackle the widespread malfeasance practised by Australia’s most profitable institutions: the big four unions.
China continued to depart from the longstanding international relations principle of isolationism, practised by the United States for over half a century in coups across the globe, by trying to influence Australian politics. It continues to be somewhat difficult to discern genuinely disconcerting examples of Chinese interference from xenophobia in a country that only abolished the White Australia Policy last Tuesday and kind of wishes it didn’t.
New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg announced his entry into the race for President. He has pledged to solve the democratic deficit plaguing the Unites States by buying the 2020 election for more than the current New York billionaire sitting on the golden throne.
As always, the week wasn’t just a horrific clown-car pile up.
Sarah Hanson-Young showed it’s worth standing up to tiny men with large bank accounts, pro-democracy activists proved for the 64 billionth time that protest works, while our two daddies, Sanders and Corbyn, have both been surging in the polls. And do keep in mind that polls are always right.
Have a read of our feature stories Let’s Not “Think About Ourselves”. Let’s Strategise As Collectives To Reclaim Democracy. and Kelly’s Staggeringly Different Treatment Of Bandt And Frydenberg Shows How Far To The Right The ABC Has Drifted, along with some cracking pieces from Bernard Keane on the police state, Richard Flanagan on climate lies, and Ben Ehrenreich on the global neoliberalism revolt.
If you’ve been enjoying our satire and analysis lately and would like to help sustain and increase our efforts to counter establishment propaganda, then please consider becoming a Situation Theatre patron. If you remain unconvinced about the need to support progressive independent media, try watching Insiders, Q & A, or reading this abomination in The Age.
Here’s to another week of trying to see the light during a blackout in a circus tent as the elephants go on a stampede.
Situation Theatre