By Situation Theatre 22/7/2020
It’s been 10 years since the Greens first introduced legislation for a Federal ICAC to Parliament, subsequently blocked at every turn by the Coalition. Meanwhile, Liberal and National Party politicians have racked up at least 100 examples of corruption and cronyism, virtually without consequence. Coincidence? Probably.
Over a decade ago, in June 2010, then Greens leader Bob Brown introduced the National Integrity Commissioner Bill to Parliament.
The bill would have “established a National Integrity Commission as an independent statutory agency”, would have included a “National Integrity Commissioner, the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner and the Independent Parliamentary Advisor” and would have aimed at “the investigation and prevention of misconduct and corruption in all Commonwealth departments, agencies, and federal parliamentarians and their staff” as well as “the investigation and prevention of corruption in the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Crime Commission”. It would also have given “independent advice to ministers and parliamentarians on conduct, ethics and matters of proprietary” and established a Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Integrity Commission.
Since then, the Greens have fought for a Federal ICAC with similar bills introduced by Adam Bandt in 2012, Christine Milne in 2013, and Larissa Waters in 2018. Labor and the Coalition voted against Greens Senate motions for such a commission in 2009, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
On the 9th September 2018, the Senate passed the latest Greens bill to establish a Federal Anti-Corruption Commission.
In June of this year, the Federal Government blocked debate on this legislation in the House of Representatives for the third time.
So why are the Coalition blocking a Federal ICAC?
Golly, that’s a tough one.
This ever-growing list of corrupt Coalition behaviours over the last ten years might have something to do with it???
Stuart Robert listed parents as company directors without their knowledge – 2010-2011
Mathias Cormann’s $23,000 travel bill for Broome trips over five years – 2010-2014
Liberal MP charged wedding travel costs to taxpayers ‘in error’ – October 2011
Coalition broadband policy announced during the 2013 election campaign at Murdoch owned Fox headquarters, to the benefit of the media mogul. Rudd later claims “key evidence” that Murdoch killed off Labor’s National Broadband Network – 8 April 2013
Gambling lobby’s punt with $20k donation to Kevin Andrews – August 2013
Coalition MPs charge taxpayers $2,500 for trip to 2013 AFL Grand Final – September 2013
Coalition legal action sends chills through whistleblowers – September 2013-ongoing
Information hidden from Parliament and the people about the Government’s treatment of asylum seekers - 13 November 2013
Tony Abbott winds back code of conduct to let ministers keep shares - 16 December 2013
Tim Wilson, Liberal Party member and policy director of a right-wing think tank, appointed to the position of Commissioner at the Human Rights Commission, even though this think tank argued for the Commission to be abolished – 23 December 2013
Scott Morrison mislead the Australian public about what occurred on Manus Island when asylum seekers were attacked. Once the information was known to be untrue, waited five days to correct the record – February 2014
Fiona Nash and the food health ratings website – February 2014
A secret, publicly funded “hit squad” targeted political opponents, led by the man who provided a “chaff bag” for Alan Jones to auction at a Young Liberal fundraiser – April 2014
Tony Abbott fails to declare daughter’s scholarship connected to donor – May 2014
A former Liberal MP as well as a conservative columnist and vocal opponent of the ABC are hired to the ABC and SBS appointments panel – 2 July 2014
Peter Lewis, a former financial executive for Seven West Media and Channel 10 who Abbott picked to lead an “efficiency review” of the ABC, is appointed to the broadcaster’s board for a five-year term. The decision is described as “a reward for him having devised a blueprint for how the ABC should be cut” and “an attempt by the Government to impose an agenda of commercialisation on the ABC” - October 2014
Speaker Bronwyn Bishop charges $5000 for chopper to fundraiser – 5 November 2014
Tim Wilson solicited preselection endorsements while at Human Rights Commission – 2014-2016
$4 million given to an academic whose views align with Prime Minister Abbott’s on climate change – 16 April 2015
Taxpayers paid $2000 for Stuart Robert to attend Hillsong conference – July 2015
Donny Walford, a Liberal Party donor who neither applied nor expressed interest in the role, becomes a board member. Later attends Liberal Party fundraisers - November 2015
Julie Bishop: when is a partner not a partner? – 2015-2017
Julie Bishop charged taxpayers $2,700 to attend 2016 Portsea Polo – 9 January 2016
Stuart Robert breached ministerial standards over donor links – February 2016
Bruce Billson paid $75k salary by lobby group while an MP – March 2016
Barnaby Joyce’s debateable use of VIP jet for election bid – March 2016
Coalition reneges on promised register of shelf company beneficial owners – April 2016
Gold miner gets $1m for power plant it was going to build anyway – April 2016-February 2019
Scott Morrison falsely accuses Save the Children of coaching self-harm and refuses to apologise - 8 May 2016
Tony Abbott’s office ‘aided Chinese donation’ after ASIO warning – June 2016
Stuart Robert’s Fadden Forum used to secretly bankroll council elections – September 2016
Barnaby Joyce’s decision to move pesticides regulator a huge financial risk - 2016
Stuart Robert ‘has a go’ with his $38k internet bill – 2016-2018
Andrew Robb’s $880k China consultancy started day before 2016 election – 2016-2019
Abbott-era MPs: ‘leaners’ on the public payroll – 2016-ongoing
Parakeelia – the Liberal Party’s “Feedback Services” paid for by taxpayers – 2016-ongoing
Bridget McKenzie’s $2,200 Sydney awards night jaunt – February 2017
Vanessa Guthrie, former mining executive, Chair of the Minerals Council of Australia, and Santos board member was rejected by the nominations panel for lack of media experience appointed to the ABC board - February 2017
Justin Milne, former Director of MSN, OzEmail, and Telstra and board member of Tabcorp, close friend and ex-business partner of Malcolm Turnbull, made ABC Chairman by the Turnbull Government - March 2017
Government declines to explain Foxtel’s 30m handout for sports broadcasting – 19 July 2017
Grassgate – Angus Taylor kept mum on personal financial interest - 2017
The $80m water deal that has provided no water - 2017
PM’s department broke law by delaying FoI request – 2017-2018
Politician’s affair puts spotlight on Australia’s crony culture - February 2018
Julie Bishop digs heels in over $25k shoes – March 2018
Minister’s role a link in grant to ineligible business – April 2018
Bridget McKenzie bills public for $20k private jet to ice-hockey game – April-May 2018
Coalition’s $444m for Barrier Reef foundation did not follow rules – April 2018-ongoing
Joseph Gersh, a merchant banker and longtime friend of Peter Costello, rejected by the nominations panel, appointed to ABC board - May 2018
Peter Dutton and the au pairs – June-November 2018
Eric Abetz bills taxpayers $3000 to attend mining industry gala – 1 August 2018
Coalition ignored experts, waved through Tasmanian development, including helipad – August 2018
Cormann, Dutton’s $60,000 domestic RAAF flights – August 2018
Drought envoy Barnaby Joyce’s ‘three weeks on the ground’ – August 2018-May 2019
Murray-Darling Basin Authority, reporting to the Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, “accused of maladministration, deliberately ignoring the best science on the river, leaning on the CSIRO to alter reports on the adequacy of the basin plan and ignoring the impact of climate change in its future planning” - 30 October 2018
Sports rorts – the affair that just keeps on giving – October 2018-ongoing
Scott Buchholz’ $1700 claim for Sydney Harbour cruise -21 November 2018
The Prime Minister and the big blue bus – November 2018
All in the (Wilson) family: the not-so-frank inquiry – November 2018-February 2019
Stuart Robert’s Seniors Expo pays $300,000 in “fees” to the LNP – December 2018
Indigenous affairs funding diverted to lobby groups opposed to native title - 2018
Regional Growth Fund follows sport rorts playbook – 2018-ongoing
Mathias Cormann booked holiday flights directly with Helloworld chief executive - 19 February 2019
Ita Buttrose, who spent most of her career working for either Kerry Packer or Rupert Murdoch, handpicked for the role of ABC Chair by Scott Morrison, bypassing the recommendations of the independent process - February 2019
Former Liberal adviser appointed head of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority - 15 March 2019
Regional infrastructure grants program targets Coalition seats – March 2019
Angus Taylor lying about emissions – March 2019
Exposed that Adani water approvals were given despite knowing risks that the project would breach environmental approvals and draw too much water from ancient springs - 18 April 2019
Multinational uranium miner convinced Government to drop requirement showing their mine would not cause species extinctions - 27 April 2019
Christopher Pyne took up EY job 9 days after leaving parliament – April 2019
Mining giant given millions in grant by Coalition from fund for Indigenous disadvantage - April-May 2019
Greenpeace releases a report and documentary called Dirty Power. They show Big Coal’s network of influence over the Coalition Government - 8 May 2019
Emails reveal the CSIRO was pressured to approve the Adani groundwater plan within a single afternoon - 14 May 2019
Australian Electoral Commission finds 87 cases of election ads breaching law - 22 May 2019
McCormack breaches lobbying code to award $2.6m airport grant – May 2019
80% of fund for female sports goes to Coalition seats – May 2019
Morrison takes credit for conservation legislation that doesn’t seem to exist – May 2019
Coalition ministers charge taxpayers $4500 for trip to $10,000-a-head fundraiser – September 2 2019
Morrison ditched Turnbull plans for lobbying transparency – September 2019
Taxpayers’ $20m spent to sustain ‘patently political’ Christmas Island move - ex-chief - 28 October 2019
Angus Taylor makes false accusations about Sydney mayor’s travel expenses – October 2019
“Win for lobbyists”: number of sponsored passes for Parilament doubles in seven years - 12 November 2019
Michael McCormack and wife flew on a government jet to attend Melbourne Cup – November 2019
Scott Morrison and that phone call to the NSW police commissioner – November 2019
Jobs scheme targeted marginal electorate, ignored recommendations – November 2019
Jobs for the boys? The limits of limited tendering – November 2019
Roads funding directed to Coalition, marginal seats - 2019
Community development grants a $2.5 billion slush fund – 2019-ongoing
Coalition awarding non-compliant drought grants – January 2020
George Christensen pays back $2100 after audit finds he misused travel expenses - January 2020
The mysterious case of disappearing donations… - February 2020
‘My bad’: Stuart Robert blames MyGov crash on DoS attack – 23 March 2020
Australian Government stops listing major threats to species under environmental laws - 8 May 2020
Covert-19: Government stacks Covid Commission with oil and gas mates, cosy deals follow - 13 May 2020
Leaked Covid-19 commission report calls for Australian taxpayers to underwrite gas industry expansion -21 May 2020
Covid commission boss Nev Power steps back at gas company amid conflict of interest concerns - 23 May 2020
Company part-owned by Angus Taylor seeks ministerial review on illegal grassland clearing - 23 May 2020
Auditor general criticises home affairs over $745m Manus Island contracts - 28 May 2020
$10 million for Fox Sports slammed as ‘handout to Murdoch mates’ - 22 July 2020
‘No limits to what Coalition will do to hide embarrassing information -July 2020
Federal ICAC Now.
*Credit to Michael West Media for their excellent archive, from which many of these are taken.
** You can read the Greens policy on restoring integrity to politics here and support their ongoing struggle for a Federal Anti-Corruption Commission.
***You can read about a new political party called Federal ICAC Now here.