By Situation Theatre 29/11/2019
When provided with an accurate definition and history of these terms, suddenly most Australians recognise instead that “garbage right-wing culture wars have gone too far”.
The ABC has recently reported the results of the Liberal Party Talks survey, a questionnaire which road-tested key right-wing talking points.
The survey asked unbiased questions like “why is it so cool to celebrate genocide on Australia Day?”, “Mum, Dad and the kids is the only kind of valid family, right?” and “why are all Greens so into terrorism?”. Let’s reflect on one of the most significant results: 68% of Australians think “political correctness has gone too far”.
Situation Theatre followed up with many of the respondents to get to the bottom of why so many agreed with this absolute horseshit. The answer, which was about as shocking as the idea our PM might be inauthentic, turned out to be because they had no idea what any of the question’s terms meant but they had heard the phrase in the media a lot so it was probably true.
Upon redoing the survey with actual questions about the role of sensitivity, empathy, decency, humanity, and basic rights to respect and dignity, it turns out that most Australians, when not manipulated by the right-wing media into being the worst versions of themselves, are actually quite nice people.