"Axial Tilt", otherwise known as the "Fascism Ratio".
By Liam McLoughlin 13/05/2015
Bewildered by the slippery slope of Australian public life, as politicians of all persuasions shift further and further to the right?
Wondering why the 80s and 90s saw Hawke and Keating talk about a Treaty and support Mabo, but the 2000s saw Rudd and Gillard extend the NT Intervention by 10- years and preside over a second stolen generation?
Flummoxed by the way refugees arriving by boat were welcomed in the 70s and 80s, but are now imprisoned in mental illness factories offshore for billions of dollars?
Stumped by the free education of our nation’s politicians in the 1970s, but their imposition of exorbitant degrees on students now, especially after the long mining boom?
Perplexed by the fact that Howard nearly lost the liberal leadership in 1988 for suggesting Asian immigration be reduced, but Abbott says “Jesus knew there was a place for everything and it’s not necessarily everyone’s place to come to Australia”, and he is still the fucking Prime Minister?
Puzzled that leaders promised to deal with climate change as early as the 1980s, but now their advisers don tin foil hats and call climate change a conspiracy?
Ever get that feeling that there’s some kind of invisible hand gently guiding our parties over to the dark side?
Be mystified no longer!
Scientists have exploded that invisible hand nonsense with proof of the link between axial tilt and the descent into fascism.
It turns out that Earth tips to the right a bit, between 22.5 and 24.5 degrees. During the days of Weimar Germany it was sitting pretty at a 22.5 degree tilt. By the time Germany invaded Czechoslovakia it was lopsided at a nasty 24.5 degrees.
It sorted itself out a bit in the 60s and 70s, but since then the planet has again been leaning dangerously to the right. Currently it’s tilted 23.5 degrees and predicted to topple further in coming years.
It’s not all bad news though. Scientists say we can offset the perilous tilt by all leaning left.