By Situation Theatre 24/11/2015
Australian consumers are thrilled and Apple can’t believe its good fortune with the release of the second generation Abbott iClone, unveiled amidst much controversy on September 14 this year.
The sales figures for Apple’s original Abbott iClone were dismal after it became clear the model was an anachronism in today’s marketplace. Apple had thought consumers would respond well to the retro design of the old model, but the clone’s daily language malfunctions proved unpopular.
Enter the new model Abbott iClone, renamed “Turnbull”. Apple has left all the key functions of the old clone intact, but upgraded the language and aesthetic components for its latest release. Clone users across Australia are falling in love with the new edition.
Tracy from Bowral says “I love everything about the new model. It’s more attractive for a start. It also seems less prone to hate speech, which is really handy when you’re out and about with friends and don’t want to incite ultra-nationalist violence.”
Not everyone is convinced a new look and language upgrade can overcome the fundamental flaws of the old model.
Choice magazine has warned “The new iClone may look and sound nice but it’s corrupted by the same malware that’s spent years torturing asylum seekers, gutting the ABC, universities and healthcare, exploiting workers, punishing the poor and cooking the planet while lining the pockets of the 1%. Don't buy it.”