By Situation Theatre 8/10/2018
Kind of surprising it’s not 1000:1.
Now that Australia’s most iconic cultural venue has been transformed into a tawdry piece of capitalist refuse, the Sydney Opera House is going the whole hog and allowing Sportsbet to project the odds of various political outcomes onto the building’s sails on a nightly basis.
Starting with the chances of re-election for the NSW Premier and Australian Prime Minister, the projections will then cover the odds of Scott Morrison ever failing to be a disingenuous corporate shill (100000:1), Peter Dutton learning to smile (100000000000:1), and the chances Australia will still be able to call itself a democracy by 2020 (1000000000000000000000:1).
By contrast, the chances of Alan Jones losing a defamation suit in the next 12 months are a dead certainty.
If you’d rather gambling odds weren’t projected on the Opera House, please sign a petition here.