Wipe that look off your face. Great Barrier Reef by Paul Toogood/cc
By Situation Theatre 6/2/14
According to top secret documents leaked by former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, the Australian Government has plans to destroy all UNESCO World Heritage areas nationwide in a bid to repel foreign control within our borders. Responding to the revelations, Tony Abbott said “We will decide the sites of special cultural or physical significance in this country and the circumstances in which they are awarded”.
The documents show that the decision to approve dumping of three million cubic metres of dredge spoil in the Great Barrier Reef, and the plan to revoke World Heritage status from 74,000 hectares of forest wilderness in Tasmania, are merely the first moves in a plan to build The One-Thousand Year Reich.
Next on the list will be the Blue Mountains, which will be bulldozed to make room for Clive Palmer’s new replica of Las Vegas. In addition, Kakadu National Park will be scrubbed clean of its cave paintings, rock carvings and archaeological sites to make room for Andrew Bolt’s new $10 billion theme park called “Indigenous World”.