By Situation Theatre 10/8/2019
Bloody Labor, with their reckless spending and their irresponsible failure to link China to Nazism.
We all know it was the Liberals’ frittering away of the mining boom wealth which really set up this country’s good economic fortunes.
Nor do we need reminding of how Labor bungled the GFC by forcing us to be the only developed country to avoid recession.
They could certainly learn a thing or two about economic management from the Liberal Party. First, empty the treasury coffers into the pockets of billionaires, then slash and burn government services, then alienate the main international source of much of the nation’s wealth.
Judging by the Chinese Embassy response to Liberal MP Andrew Hastie’s comments, the Liberal Party does seem to be nurturing that relationship the way video game addicts glued to an internet café are nurturing their crying 3-month old stuck at home alone.
"We strongly deplore the Australian federal MP Andrew Hastie's rhetoric on 'China threat' which lays bare his Cold War mentality and ideological bias,”
"It goes against the world trend of peace, co-operation and development. It is detrimental to China-Australian relations.”
With the fundamentals of the economy and our relationship with China so strong, thank God the rash and foolhardy Labor Party is not in charge.