By Situation Theatre 6/6/2020
The PM has been promoting the event on his Facebook page, saying “it’s a free country”.
The Federal Government has put together an urgent advertising campaign encouraging a mass gathering of 4G-loyal evangelicals from the Shire at 3pm in Sydney today.
While the PM discouraged people from attending Black Lives Matter protests because they don’t adhere to the strict rules of racist authoritarianism, he was enthusiastic about today’s mass gathering of god-fearing conspiracist rugby fans.
After for his view on the wisdom of a mass gathering of right-wing white people, the PM said “I understand people’s frustration. They should have their evangelical 5G-hating footy fanaticism heard.”
"Anybody who goes to a mass gathering during a pandemic is certifiably insane, they are nuts." commented Australian Police Minister in relation to protests against racist police brutality.
— Nib Oswald (@niboswald) June 5, 2020
"Stick to gatherings of 21,000, like the PM did for that Hillsong Conference in March."
"It's a free country. People will make their protests and make their voices heard"
— Ketan Joshi (@KetanJ0) June 5, 2020
Scott Morrison, speaking about huge gatherings of people breaching social distancing laws to protest a made up conspiracy theory about 5G spreading coronavirus.