By Situation Theatre 27/4/2021
With only about 260,000 Pentecostal Christians living in Australia, Scott Morrison truly is the PM for the 1%.
As the Australian Prime Minister tells a Christian conference that he was called to do God’s work, that he practices the evangelical “laying on of hands” as PM, and that misuse of social media is the devil’s work, the 99% of Australians who don’t share Morrison’s beliefs are feeling especially seen and heard.
Upon hearing of Morrison’s latest campaign to collapse the distinction between church and state, Australia’s 600,000 Muslims, 600,000 Buddhists, 440,000 Hindus, 125,000 Sikhs, 91,000 Jews and 7 million citizens who believe God is about as real as Yoda, released a collective statement titled “He did what!!!!???”