By Situation Theatre 15/4/2020
How many QC’s does it take to read Wikipedia?
Now that the NSW Premier has announced a “Special Commission of Inquiry” into the Ruby Princess fiasco, as well as the separate criminal investigation, the civil inquiry, the uncivil enquiry, the super search, the interior inspection, the external examination, along with the autopsy analysis and the rigorous review, the public is wondering if all this might be overkill when you could find the answer to who is responsible inside 30 seconds with a basic Wikipedia search.
According to the boutique knowledge website, the Department of Home Affairs is the “Australian Government interior ministry with responsibilities for national security, law enforcement, emergency management, BORDER CONTROL, immigration, refugees, citizenship, and multicultural affairs. The portfolio also includes federal agencies such as the Australian Federal Police, AUSTRALIAN BORDER FORCE and the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation. The Home Affairs portfolio reports to the MINISTER FOR HOME AFFAIRS THE HON. PETER DUTTON MP.”
As much as the Australian public knows, loves, and trusts George Pell’s barrister to get to the bottom of the truth of the crimes of those in power, some Google search experts are wondering whether firing Peter Dutton and instead spending the Commission’s money housing homeless people might be slightly less of a diversionary waste of resources.