By Situation Theatre 23/05/2015
But at least psychopaths “have a go”.
Following Australia's flat refusal to resettle Rohingya refugees, the UNHCR has administered Robert Hare's 20-Item Psychopathy Checklist to the Federal Government. The results are in, the score is record-breaking, and the low-lights are listed below.
4. Pathological Lying
"Their ability to lie is stunning, even when they know there is a high probability of being caught. Lies can be cunning and sly or unscrupulously manipulative."
5. Manipulative
"They deceive, cheat, con, bilk, trick or defraud others for personal gain. This is separated from no. 4 to the extent that the subject shows 'callous ruthlessness', that is, a lack of concern or pity for the suffering and feelings of their victims."
6. Lack of Remorse or Guilt
"Despite their words they experience little emotion or concern for the pain and suffering of their victims. They are unfazed, dispassionate, coldhearted, and unempathic. There is often a disdain for the victims, and they may even say the victims deserved it."
7. Shallow Affect
"Emotional poverty or very shallow feelings, coldness towards others despite seeming very friendly"
8. Callousness and Lack of Empathy
"A general lack of feelings towards other people. They tend to be heartless, contemptuous, indifferent and tactless."
10. Poor Behavioral Controls
"There may be sudden expressions of annoyance, irritability, aggression and verbal abuse. There may be sudden outbursts of anger and temper and they may act hastily."
13. Lack of Realistic Long-Term Goals
"While they talk about big plans, they show an inability or persistent failure to execute long-term goals; then may drift from one place to another lacking any real direction in life."
14. Impulsivity
"Many of their behaviors are not premeditated and seem to be unplanned. They seem unable to resist temptation and urges or to delay gratification. They may not consider the consequences and so they appear reckless, foolhardy and unpredictable."
20. Criminal Versatility
"Unlike other criminals who may specialize in one area they are often involved in diverse activities, taking great pride at getting away with crimes."
The bad news is the prognosis for psychopaths and people under their influence is dreadful. Particularly if said psychopaths happen to be running an entire country.
The good news is that to stop Australia's politicians arriving at any more heinously inhumane decisions, Gambia has offered to resettle the entire ministry.