By Situation Theatre 26/10/2019
Fearless iconoclast Michael Leunig has taken a bold stand against stressed, depressed, anxious, insecure, unsupported, isolated, and alienated mothers in a new cartoon which speaks lies to the powerless.
Any serious artist knows the most effective satire makes already vulnerable people feel bad about themselves.
This week Michael Leunig has upheld this great Australian tradition of having a crack at marginalised groups with a cartoon showing the classic scenario which we all see on a daily basis of babies falling out of prams while Mum checks her phone.
The cartoon is good because under capitalist patriarchy new mums have it too easy, what with all the social isolation, patronising advice, impossible expectations, and unpaid labour.
What they really need now is some 74 year-old cartoonist, with his vast experience of mothering, telling them they aren’t doing it right.