By Situation Theatre 29/5/2019
The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink.
The Minister for Youth is 61.
The Minister for Multicultural Affairs has campaigned to “deport foreign-born thugs”.
The Minister for Energy and Lowering Emissions was an anti-wind energy activist, promoted coal-seam gas, called the renewable energy target “crazy, crazy…insane”, dismissed the “obsession with emissions” and “new climate religion”, and has fuelled Australia’s ever increasing rates of carbon pollution.
The Minister for Government Services and “driving efficiencies in the public sector” spent $38,000 on his home internet bill.
The Minister For Border Protection has overseen a record number of unvetted protection visa applications by plane arrivals.
The Minister of Water Resources has presided over several massive fish kills in the Murray Darling Basin and intensification of drought across much of Australia.
As a result, students will no longer compare and contrast 1984 and Metropolis in Module A of the HSC. They will now compare the dystopian fiction of Fritz Lang’s 1927 film with the dystopian reality of Scott Morrison’s cabinet.