By Situation Theatre 27/8/2019
As we learned from the civil rights movement, change happens when you have a mouth full of lamington.
The NSW Premier has used her appearance on Q & A to advise students that the best way to overthrow the ecocidal hegemonic order is by making sure you are not seen or heard by the community at large.
She said there were many ways to remain invisible and unthreatening to the vested interests she represents but probably the best of these would be to invest lots of time and effort into a cake stall confined to school grounds.
“Tea cakes, lemon syrup cake, banana cake, orange poppy seed cake, fruit cakes, cupcakes, brownies, gingerbread, chocolate-chip biscuits, Anzac biscuits, macaroons, coconut ice, jam slice, lemon slice, scones. These are just some of the cakes you could sell on September 20 to keep you out of sight and out of mind.”