By Situation Theatre 6/5/2020
Never one to back away from a fight with the state of green technology and politics 12 years ago, Michael Moore is promoting a new film which also slays the most talked about climate activist of the last two years: Al Gore.
With the global release of a montage of his friend Jeff Gibbs’ home movies and diary entries from 2008-2012, Michael Moore has offered an epic takedown of obsolescent solar panels.
Practising nihilists and their counterparts in the coal, oil, and gas industries have praised the film for its masterful use of propaganda to mislead the masses into hopelessness.
Moore collaborated with his local neighbourhood film distributor, YouTube, to bravely call out progressive collaboration with the corporate sector.
Naysayers argue the film steadfastly ignores the irrelevant achievements of the environmental movement since 2008, including trillions divested from fossil fuels thanks to the Fossil Free movement, the many wins of the anti-fracking movement, the momentous civil disobedience campaign at Standing Rock against the Dakota Access Pipeline, massive advances in renewable energy technology and implementation, the explosion of the Extinction Rebellion and youth-led climate strike movements, and the popularisation of the Green New Deal including as a key plank of the platform one of the final two Democratic candidates for the most powerful position on Earth.
On the other hand, it’s pre-2012 footage of rusty wind turbines is pure fire.