By Situation Theatre 27/8/2019
China should be like the isolationist United States and just leave other countries alone.
The Australian foreign policy establishment has expressed growing concerns about the rise of China and wished that if only they respected the sovereignty of other nations the way the United States does, we wouldn’t have to worry so much.
And they’ve got a point.
Apart from the annexations of Mexican territory and Hawaii, the invasions of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Nicaragua, The Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Grenada, Afghanistan and Iraq, the occupation of the Philippines and Haiti, the capture of Beijing, the orchestration of coups in Panama, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Guatemala, Congo, Laos, Brazil, Indonesia, Greece, Cambodia, Bolivia, and Chile, the destruction of Libya and Yemen, the military backing of Israel and Saudi Arabia, the 800 military bases across 70 countries and the deployment of forces in 150 countries, the virtuous United States would never be like naughty China and seek to shape the politics of other nations.