By Situation Theatre 17/11/2019
While their IQ scores are significantly lower than dolphins, cows, and even most breeds of sewer rat, their average EQ is lower than many parasites.
In a telling sign that we are becoming an increasingly trusted fake news outlet, Situation Theatre has just secured intelligence leaks indicating the nation’s suspicions following this week’s bushfire crisis are spot on: we are indeed governed by morons.
The highly classified dossier clearly demonstrates that the average IQ of Coalition MPs is 64, beaten out by experimental mice that eat sucrose solution until they die, cane toads which try to reproduce with dead animals, and dogs which chase their own tails.
Even more revealing is the fact that their average emotional intelligence is no higher than most invertebrates, including worms, leeches, and termites. Now we know why the Government’s empathy consultants are all on stress leave.