By Situation Theatre 29/8/2019
Justifying and defending established institutions was fundamental to the founding theorist of conservatism. Wiping out all life on Earth was not.
Australian historian Dorothy Dixer has asked a series of questions of MPs at a recent Greens conference to uncover whether Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s self-identification as a conservative holds water.
The first few questions helped MPs explain why The Greens are the only party with climate policies which wouldn’t result in complete climate breakdown and social collapse.
Her final question helped Greens politicians confirm that Scott Morrison’s political philosophy has no relation to traditional conservatism.
“Mr Bandt, could you inform the group of how we might not descend into fascism and are you aware of any alternative policies?”
After explaining his vision for social and environmental justice, Mr Bandt projected a list of the 14 early warning signs of fascism, otherwise known as the Liberal Party platform.