By Situation Theatre 29/8/2019
The British may have starved to death 29 million Indians, pursued genocide down under, and destroyed Iraq based on a lie and despite massive domestic opposition. But with Boris Johnson’s suspension of Parliament, it’s time to start questioning their commitment to the will of the people.
In a stunning development completely at odds with all previous behaviour, a British government has demonstrated less than the utmost respect for democratic principles.
Boris Johnson has successfully petitioned the Queen to prorogue Parliament in an unprecedented act of democratic sabotage, except for that time they carved up the world and killed entire populations as punishment for not bending to their will.
The news has come as a shock not just to the British people, but also to Iraqis, who are dumbfounded to discover that the nation which took over their territory and crushed their rebellion in 1920, and who invaded and occupied their country from 2003-2011, may not be as committed to democracy as they once thought.