By Situation Theatre 21/12/2019
A new report on the civil rights of countries worldwide stated “ICYMI, there’s some seriously messed up stuff happening down under”.
The CIVICUS monitor, a collaboration between human rights organisations around the world, has downgraded Australia’s democracy from “narrowed” all the way down through “obstructed”, “repressed”, “closed” to its lowest possible status, “WTAF???”.
The decision comes as footage of heavily armed police officers terrorising children who want nothing more than their futures went viral.
As police went about their move-on order at Kirribilly House, one girl was visibly frightened during police direction.
— River McCrossen (@RivOMac) December 19, 2019
She and her father complied with the move-on order.#ClimateProtest
CIVICUS had already changed Australia’s rating to “narrowed” from “open”, due to police raids on media outlets, the prosecution of whistle-blowers, and legislation to force tech companies to hand over user information.
Hearing reports about the increasing crackdown on peaceful protest, including at the recent IMARC protests in Melbourne and the climate justice protests outside the Prime Minister’s house this week, forced the hand of these human rights defenders.
CIVICUS warned “Our report might be TLDR but basically TBH, the descent into fascism by the OTT NSFW Federal Government is TBC IRL unless the Australian public collectively says FFS and rebels ASAP FTW.”