By Situation Theatre 16/4/2020
Good call Grandma.
In response to the sensible centrist calls for granocide for the sake of the economy, the nation’s elders have banded together to ask Chris Uhlmann and the Institute of Public Affairs to sacrifice themselves for the sake of society.
Grandparents across the country have called on most of the neoliberal stenographers at The Australian, Daily Telegraph, and Nine Newspapers, as well as all of the neoliberal incels at the Institute of Public Affairs, to lick a few surfaces during a mass gathering on the Ruby Princess cruise ship so we can get this society up and running again.
at least the @FinancialReview has made one thing abundantly clear: to be pro-market, you have to essentially be pro-death
— jeremy poxon (@JeremyPoxon) April 14, 2020
The existence of these freemarket fetishists is a serious public health issue and grandma and grandpa are right to demand action to contain the spread.
Giving these neolib death cultists a platform has decimated our society, ruined thousands of lives, turned Australia into a police state and worst of all, put hundreds of thousands of Australians out of work. More and more Australians have been thrown into loneliness, isolation and the total absence of hope.
📺 NEW VIDEO: @GideonCRozner explains why the efforts by state and federal governments to control the health crisis created by the #covid19au outbreak risks creating as much bigger economic and humanitarian crisis. We must begin to end this lockdown now.
— Institute of Public Affairs (@TheIPA) April 3, 2020
Australians are not meant to live like this, and we cannot allow this to go on any longer.
It’s time we are allowed to start rebuilding our lives and rebuilding Australia.
Enough is enough.
It is time to start ending this neoliberal death cult now.