By Situation Theatre 31/08/2016
Seriously, fuck this.
Just as Tony Abbott’s plebiscite appears dead in the water, a new contender has emerged.
While there is strong public opposition to the current plebiscite, particularly from the LGBTQI community, there is overwhelming support for a new plebiscite to determine levels of public tolerance for the infuriating buffoonish extremism of the Liberal Party.
Starting with the overarching question about putting up with three more years of faecal farce, the plebiscite will progress to the question “Just how awful is the Coalition government?”
a) Really, really, really, really awful.
b) I would rather share a gene pool with Andrew Bolt than suffer another single day of this insane clown posse.
Other floated plebiscite questions are “Over whose head would you rather pour a bucket of green slime, Cory Bernadi or George Christensen?” , as well as “Which two men out of Tony Abbott, Eric Abetz, and Barnaby Joyce should be peer pressured into passionately tongue kissing on the floor of Parliament?”
The final question, “How do you stuff a country like Tony Abbott?” is more rhetorical. “Elect Malcolm Turnbull” will be the only possible answer.