By Situation Theatre 30/3/2020
It’s time we give the Morrison Government a break, kind of like the $12 billion in tax breaks they give the fossil fuel industry each year.
The Federal Government has announced it will be subsidising the wages of Australians suffering the economic effects of the coronavirus crisis, and just like the world’s largest investment banks who have provided at least $700bn of financing for the fossil fuel companies most aggressively expanding in new coal, oil and gas projects since the Paris climate change agreement, credit where credit is due.
Much like a dog that defecates all over the house and then wants a biscuit as a reward for not doing that for five seconds, Scott Morrison wants a biscuit for throwing a bone to Australian workers.
Maybe we’d be more likely to feed him a biscuit if he hadn’t spent the last decade squatting over those very same workers, all the while acting as a ferocious guard dog for the billions funnelled into the pockets of his billionaire owners.