By Situation Theatre 21/09/2019
What hope does humanity have when all young people do is lie around in bed all day watching YouTube and posting about their feelings?
Thanks to the individual characteristics of members of Gen Z, it’s pretty clear humanity is doomed.
For decades, political leaders and fossil fuel companies have been working hard to address the climate crisis but have been held back by the narcissistic habits of teenagers.
How are our politicians supposed to address the climate emergency when millions of young people are too engrossed in their smartphones to care?
Like the sea we rise!
— Fridays for Future Freiburg (@F4F_Freiburg) September 20, 2019
Liebes Klimakabinett, ihr habt euch mit den falschen angelegt...#AlleFuersKlima #FridaysForFuture
Shame on you kids, shame on you.