By SItuation Theatre 9/10/2019
Asked if conservative political bias has gone too far at the ABC, everyone said “I agree 100%. They don’t do journalism like they used to.”
In an interview with News Breakfast’s Michael Rowland yesterday, ABC Chair Ita Buttrose set about proving the Liberal Party is destroying the public broadcaster inside 1 minute, and boy did she succeed.
Sinking below even the lowest expectations for a Morrison appointee, Buttrose vociferously agreed to a Liberal Party talking point dressed up as a question from Rowland about whether political correctness had gone too far in this country.
Her responses included such gems as:
"I agree 100 per cent. I agree 100 per cent, that we don't talk to each other the way we used to. Even in the workplace, the way men and women used to talk to one another, which was quite fun, I think, doesn't exist today.”
Fun times, am I right ladies?
"When I think of some of the conversations I used to have with Sir Frank Packer, for instance, they simply wouldn't happen today and I think it takes a lot of spontaneity out of the workplace.”
Say what you like about sexual harassment but at least it’s often spontaneous.
“We like to josh each other in the workplace and we should be able to do that without anyone being offended or sensitive about it. We’re far too sensitive I think.”
Josh should be named and shamed as a perpetrator.
"There are very few larrikins anymore…we've sort of suppressed that side of our character. I think we need to bring back the larrikin element of Australia and be very proud of it because it's very unique to us. Our larrikins are pretty special.”
Top 3 Aussie larrikins: Don Burke, Jarryd Hayne, Craig McLachlan. Who are your favourite Aussie larrikins?
Who would have thought that a woman who spent most of her journalistic career working for either the Packers or the Murdochs, two of the most ethical media mogul families in Australia, handpicked to serve as ABC Chair by one of the most conservative Prime Ministers in Australian history, might have some regressive opinions?