By Situation Theatre 30/5/2019
The top priority of the Coalition Government is, for the first time, to divert public attention from actual problems like the suicide crisis on Manus or the complete and total collapse of all of Earth’s life support systems, onto endless discussion of the private kinks of conservatives.
A Christian Prime Minister leading a Christian cabinet with an Attorney-General named Christian Porter in a Christian majority country will act quickly to further bolster one of Australia’s most brittle freedoms: the dominant religion’s freedom to oppress minorities.
Mr Porter has pledged to introduce a Religious Discrimination Act and appoint a religious freedom commissioner, presumably as precursors for the new “Hunting The Gays” bill.
Against the backdrop of climate and ecological breakdown, Monday night’s Q & A spent the first 18 minutes framing limits to the freedom to be homophobic as the greatest moral challenge of our time.
Judging by previous experience, fighting interminable online battles against the perverted impulses of the Christian right, rather than building a mass social movement around a compelling eco-socialist narrative, seems like the progressive response most likely to succeed.