By Situation Theatre 30/5/2019
Timed to coincide with his exchange with activist Phil Cleary in which he mentioned himself 43 times, the oppressed commercial TV host has felt the need to go to even more nauseating lengths to expand upon his narcissistic defence of a sick culture.
What better time to derail productive conversations which help the public understand the role of conditioning in gender-based violence than the aftermath of yet another murder of an Australian woman.
Notorious male Joe Hildebrand has capitalised on his success in finally getting the national spotlight onto the feelings of powerful men by releasing part one of a seven-volume series exploring how debates about violence against women neglect his emotional life.
Given his fondness for bombarding the audience with violence statistics to sound almost like he has the faintest clue what he’s talking about, it’s fairly ironic that 100% of Hildebrand’s opinions are so aggressively awful.