By Situation Theatre 1/9/2019
“I had no idea the men my government has been torturing in island prison camps for the last six years are also worthy of my keen sense of social justice”
The future of the Morrison Government’s brutal immigration regime is in question this morning following the media’s discovery that the men they have tortured on Papua New Guinea for more than 2000 days are also human beings with families.
At first it seemed like journalists only cared about refugees when they could watch their suffering on TV rather than use their imagination.
It also appeared as if there one set of moral rules for human beings living in regional Australian towns, and another for human beings living in remote Australian concentration camps.
It turns out this was all a big mix up, and once it was clarified for the media that the men in Papua New Guinea do indeed have faces, their consistent sense of heartfelt compassion kicked in and gave the Australian community the sense of urgency around the subject that it clearly deserves.
You can sign a petition and make a contribution to the cause of bringing Priya and her family back to Biloela here.
To defend the rights of this family as well as all the refugees Australia continues to harm, you can donate to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, contact your local MP, get involved with your local refugee rights group, or help build the movement however you can.
You can also attend any of these rallies below today.
— Kon Karapanagiotidis (@Kon__K) August 31, 2019
Tmrw protests #hometobilo
BRIS: 1pm, King George Sq
MELB: 1pm, State Library
SYD: 1pm, Martin Place
ADE: 12.30pm, Vict Square
PERTH: 11am, Forrest Pl
HOBART: 1pm, Parliament House Gardens
DARWIN: 12.30pm, NT Legislative Assembly Lawns
CANBERRA: 1pm, Parliament House Lawns