By Situation Theatre 9/4/2020
“His transformation from empty vessel for business interests to vacuous vehicle for corporate concerns has been nothing short of stunning.”
The millions of Australians excluded by the nation’s largest ever economic package which passed Parliament yesterday are this morning marvelling at the evolution of Scott Morrison’s leadership style.
Senate now voting on Greens 2nd amendmt to leave no-one behind: incl lift DSP/Carer payment, increase #DV funding, give PPE to First Nations; & support TPVs, LGBTIQ+, regional &remote, local Gov workers, tourism &Arts, NBN, rent holidays &no evictions. LibLab oppose, so we lost.
— Larissa Waters (@larissawaters) April 8, 2020
They are all said to be taking Scott Morrison’s comforting words that “we are all in this together” at face value, supremely confident that this ruling class warrior who has spent his entire career protecting capitalists at the expense of workers has now converted to revolutionary socialism and will look after them any day now.
So @ScottMorrisonMP says we are “All in this together”...
— Senator Tony Sheldon (@senator_sheldon) April 8, 2020
And then the Coalition vote down amendments to extend the #JobKeeper package to 1.1 million casuals, hundreds of thousands of visa holders, arts workers, university workers, local government and not-for- profit staff.
Those who continue to suffer at the hands of Morrison’s reactionary ideology are pleased as punch to learn that leopards can in fact change their spots.