By Situation Theatre 8/8/2019
If we have to blame mental illness at least we’ll now have an accurate diagnosis.
So far it has been patently absurd to focus on mental illness as the primary cause of blatant acts of white supremacist terror enabled by a trigger-happy gun culture, a profoundly corrupt political system, and a compliant media, and egged on by the Racist-in-Chief.
There’s hardly a clearer indicator of just how rampant white supremacy is in the United States than the fact that the media reflexively invokes mental illness when the perpetrators are white and terrorism when they are not.
That’s all about to change with the upcoming release of DSM-6, the latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Following the shootings in El Paso, Texas and Holy Toledo I Can’t Even Fucking Read A Teleprompter, Ohio, the new bible of psychiatric disorders will now include Plutocratic, White Supremacist, Gun Control Obstructionist Syndrome.
A likely consequence of the Manual’s release is the official diagnosis of Trump and all of his Republican colleagues.
Many Liberals are looking forward to Trump being removed from office under the 25th Amendment as a result.
However, most leftists are more excited about a combined Bernie/Warren ticket wiping Trump and Republicans off the electoral map and seeing Trump locked up not in a mental health facility but in prison.