By Situation Theatre 23/12/2019
A man who just spent the week drinking Mai Tais in an island paradise while two fathers died fighting the fires he helped fuel and did nothing to stop, has drawn attention to his own plight.
After 45 days of hard work in Canberra this year, much of which was spent on a campaign to deny medical treatment to victims of his remote island torture regime, Prime Minister Scott Morrison scooted off to a distant island of his own choosing.
Having spent the week reflecting by a Hawaiian pool on what a superb job he’d done this year denying the nation’s children a future and vilifying those who demanded one, Mr Morrison returned home to a storm of criticism that perhaps skiving off on a luxury holiday in the midst of a national emergency was not the best example of leadership, particularly when he’d done so much to contribute to the emergency in the first place.
Following the deaths of nine Australians since the bushfire crisis started on September, Mr Morrison pointed out that they and their families are not the only ones who have suffered this year.