By Situation Theatre 23/12/2019
PM “comforted” by the fact Australians would like him to at least do the bare minimum required by his job.
Luxury tourist and Brett Easton Ellis character Scott Morrison has generously given up his 7th consecutive daily massage on Maui to fly home and give a press conference verifying his diagnosis as a malignant narcissist.
It has been long suspected that Mr Morrison suffers from the diagnosis which is a nasty cocktail of narcissism, antisocial behaviour, aggression, and sadism.
The disorder was first identified by psychologist Erich Fromm, describing it as a “severe mental sickeness” representing “the quintessence of evil”, a condition which is “the most severe pathology and the root of the most vicious destructiveness and inhumanity”. Classic traits include the “absence of conscience”, the “psychological need for power”, the “distortion and denial of reality” along with “grandiosity built around aggression” and the “idealisation of the destructive aspects of the self”.
Suspicions about Mr Morrison’s condition date back to his role as a hardline Immigration Minister who seemed to thrive by torturing refugees in remote island prisons.
Astute observers grew even more confident in their diagnosis as they watched Mr Morrison work towards the current national bushfire crisis with years of climate sabotage and months of ignoring diabolical warnings from former fire chiefs.
His performance at yesterday’s press conference, in which he made the incineration of three million hectares of bush, the massive loss of native species, the killing of families and firefighters, and the blind fury of an abandoned nation, all about his own comfort, put the matter beyond a shadow of a doubt.