By Situation Theatre 4/4/2019
Having just discovered poverty, it comes as a shock to Liberals that not everyone has unlimited rivers of taxpayer money to drink from.
The Federal Government has been forced into an embarrassing backdown after initially forgetting to bribe Newstart recipients with a one-off energy supplement.
After their initial argument that “unemployed people are dogs who deserve to suffer and they wouldn’t vote Liberal anyway” didn’t fly with the electorate, they now say they only just realised that not everyone is a member of their local polo club.
Mercifully the Australian electorate is wising up to the various irrigation techniques this government has used to channel rivers of taxpayer money back into their own pockets or into those of bankers, barons, magnates, tycoons, moguls, or, at best, voters in Liberal marginal seats.
When four in five of the Government’s “congestion busting” infrastructure projects are flowing into Liberal marginals and politicians receive a $288 daily travel allowance compared to the $40 a day Newstart payment, voters will be hard pressed to ignore the craven cronyism of this, the worst government in Australian history. And that includes the Howard years.