By Situation Theatre 3/9/2019
And here they were thinking government had something to do with it.
Refugees and migrants across the country have been a little shocked this morning to learn that they are in charge of all infrastructure and transport across Australia.
While there was a brief misunderstanding that the Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, and Regional Development, Michael McCormack, Minister for Population, Cities, and Urban Infrastructure, Alan Tudge, as well as state infrastructure ministers across the country had a role to play, this foolhardy assumption has been quickly dispelled by Barnaby Joyce.
Mr Joyce expressed sympathy for the Tamil family facing deportation by describing them as a family “that’s not making traffic more difficult in Sydney or Melbourne or Brisbane”.
Should Nadesalingam, Priya, Kopika, and Tharunicaa be allowed to stay in Australia, they’ve said they would be more than happy to take over the federal infrastructure portfolio.