By Situation Theatre 21/4/2020
Having his pleas for a £500m loan from the Government rejected, the UK’s 7th richest person, worth £4.7b, is now seeking someone with a bit of spare ill-gotten cash.
Business magnate Richard Branson, who has lived in the Virgin Islands for 14 years because of his spiritual connection to the land, has begun a global quest to locate a tax-dodging billionaire less stingy than himself.
Shocked that the British Government would refuse to bail out Virgin, given his stunning contributions to the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, the sense of community spirit in the British Virgin Islands, and the NHS, which he sued, Mr Branson is now taking his begging bowl elsewhere.
Mr Branson is optimistic that not all billionaires are uncaring parasites constitutionally opposed to actions not in their self-interest, but he probably shouldn’t be.