By Situation Theatre 6/9/2018
Andrew Ettingshausen is now Treasurer, David Peachey is Minister for Foreign Affairs and Matt Rogers is Minister for Immigration.
It's a move which is bound to appeal to the new Prime Minister’s base of Cronulla Sharks fans. Starting next week, Question Time will take place at Shark Park.
Morrison has also replaced his entire cabinet with past and present Sharks stars, and Shire locals reckon Paul Gallen as Minister for Defence will be sweet as.
Rabs Warren will fill the role of House speaker, Fatty Vautin will replace Barnaby Joyce as the resident clown, and Mal Meninga will fill in for Peter Dutton as an apt replacement given the trajectory of Pete's political career.
The PM will also force all Labor shadow-ministers to adopt a rugby league position. Bill Shorten has agreed to fill all positions except the left-wing.
Critics have accused ScoMo of laying on the Sharkies schtick a bit thick. They've suggested that instead he admit to crimes against humanity for his actions as Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, because at least that would lend an air of authenticity to his otherwise sham Prime Ministership.