By Situation Theatre 5/11/2019
He also denies his vague negativity has anything to do with the media’s baseless four-year anti-Corbyn propaganda campaign.
An avid news consumer in the UK has said that he will be voting Tory in the upcoming British election because Jeremy Corbyn is anti-semitic or something.
Asked for specific examples of Corbyn’s anti-semitism, the man overlooked the Labour leader’s decades of principled anti-racism campaigning and said he read it in The Guardian so it must be true.
When it was suggested that perhaps his irrational response to Corbyn might be more a testament to the power of establishment propaganda than independent critical thinking skills, the man said “I dunno, he just gives me the creeps”.
Responding to the idea that it might be worth setting aside his emotions for the sake of avoiding a catastrophic Brexit, re-distributing wealth and power from the plutocrats towards ordinary people, and a green industrial revolution which could spread around the world and save the future of all life on Earth, the man said “No can do, he gives me a funny feeling in my tummy.”