By Situation Theatre 19/11/2019
It’s hard to ask questions when they aren’t scripted by the Prime Minister.
Fran Kelly and Adam Bandt have smashed the previous record set by Tony Abbott and Mark Riley for longest interview silence. Due to a production error, Kelly was without her list of Government talking points upon which her questions are usually based and therefore forced to conduct a 10-minute silent interview with the Greens MP.
According to many on social media, the 10 minutes of silence was actually a fantastic opportunity to fit in some quiet meditation on their Sunday morning instead of it being ruined by the masochistic ritual of watching ABC journalists give Government MPs an aromatherapy massage or whip Greens MPS with 50 lashes.
“Do you accept that that kind of language, on that day, is not only insensitive, but is out of line?”@frankelly08 questions the Greens’ @AdamBandt about @Jordonsteele’s comments where he labelled the government “no better than a bunch of arsonists”.#Insiders #auspol
— Insiders ABC (@InsidersABC) November 16, 2019
“It was you on the Sunday that accused the Prime Minister of putting towns and lives at risk. Do you not regret the comments?” @frankelly08
— Insiders ABC (@InsidersABC) November 16, 2019
“I don't, and here's why...” @AdamBandt#Insiders #auspol
“Our policy is to support hazard reduction burns. But what the fire chiefs are telling us is that even that is becoming more difficult in the climate crisis.”
— Insiders ABC (@InsidersABC) November 16, 2019
Greens Co-Deputy Leader @AdamBandt#Insiders #auspol
"It's not fanciful - it's what we need to do if you accept the science."
— Insiders ABC (@InsidersABC) November 16, 2019
Greens Co-Deputy Leader @AdamBandt defends the party's ambitions to phase out coal in Australia by 2030.#Insiders #auspol
.@frankelly08 asks @AdamBandt if the Greens would support a National Energy Guarantee style policy.
— Insiders ABC (@InsidersABC) November 17, 2019
"The Government needs to come and make the first in-principle decision, and Scott Morrison needs to show some leadership."#Insiders #auspol
Unfortunately the reprieve was brief and when the interview came to an end, long-suffering Insiders viewers had to endure Mark Riley explain why wanting a habitable planet and wanting to murder all life on Earth are just as bad as each other.
Should we be debating climate change while bushfires burn across the country?
— Insiders ABC (@InsidersABC) November 17, 2019
Watch the full video of @Riley7News, David Marr, @PatsKarvelas and @frankelly08 discussing the tone of this week's political debate.#Insiders #auspol