By Situation Theatre 23/9/2019
Spreading disinformation at the behest of the fossil fuel industry used be cool but then again so did Bill Cosby.
Back in 2011, climate denial was edgy. You had cultural pioneers like Lord Monckton working at the vanguard of environmental vandalism.
Sadly for deniers and much like Louis CK, U2, and carrying your backpack with one strap, you can’t stay cool forever.
Society moves on and as it’s becomes ever clearer that climate deniers are just kind of tragic, there’s no way public broadcasters would give a platform to the absurd idea of a “rational debate” between scientists and conspiracy theorists.
Not known primarily for being “on trend”, Sky News has yet to receive the memo and continues to broadcast the ravings of a man who can only be described as Nietzschean, in the neurosyphilis sense of the word.
Here’s Alan Jones’ learned opinion of the young climate strikers: “ ... you’re selfish, badly educated, virtue signalling little turds ... wake up, grow up and shut up until you’re sure of the facts before protesting.” #ClimateStrike #SchoolStrike4Climate
— 💧 Mad Fucking Witches (@MadFckingWitch) September 22, 2019