By Situation Theatre 15/3/2016
Franklin Delano Roosevelt said “I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people”.
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy said “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”
Edward Gough Whitlam said “Poverty is a national waste as well as individual waste. We are all diminished when any of us are denied proper education. The nation is the poorer – a poorer economy, a poorer civilisation, because of this human and national waste.”
Paul John Keating said “You get one chance to do something about native title. You get perhaps one chance in your life to do something about a republic. You get one chance, your chance, to build a piece of the political architecture of the Pacific. I wasn’t going to give those up.”
Malcolm Bligh Turnbull has joined a rich tradition of progressive political leaders today by outlining his bold vision for Australia’s future: “Maybe we’ll have an early election in July, or maybe we’ll have a normal election in August or September. I’m just not sure yet, it depends on the polls really.”
Bravo Mr Turnbull, Bravo.