By Situation Theatre 8/4/2020
More than 200 clinical trials have been launched since yesterday.
For researchers into virulent diseases which ravage the community, there is suddenly only one priority: the Catholic Church.
Never before, scientists say, have so many of the world’s researchers focused so urgently on a single topic. Nearly all other research has ground to a halt.
The pandemic of abuse unleashed by the dangerous combination of old white men, religious protections, and untrammelled power, has ignited the scientific community in ways that no other disease has before. That reflects the scope of the pandemic and the fact that, for many researchers, the hot zone is no longer just in Ballarat. It is their hometowns.
While intense competition typically characterises such research, the Pope’s recent tweet about “those persons who suffer due to an unjust sentence because someone had it in for them” has united the global scientific community in the fight against this devastating scourge like never before.