By Situation Theatre 17/7/2019. Updated 18/6/2020.
Indigenous peoples of Australia, Canada, Africa, South America, and the U.S. relieved their “fuck off we’re full” campaign has finally paid off.
Nations across Europe have called emergency meetings this morning as white people from across the globe flood across European borders, threatening to steal jobs, occupy welfare queues, take up precious hospital beds, and increase commuting times across the continent.
The mass exodus of white people from former European colonies was triggered by their leader Donald Trump’s instructions to “go back to where they came from”, which of course for most white settlers was the United Kingdom.
This development has been welcomed by Indigenous peoples across the world, who all suffered genocide, humiliation, oppression, and domination at the hands of these invaders.
It’s a particularly fortuitous break for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who will never have to hear the word “ScoMo” again.