By Situation Theatre 26/11/2019
We can clearly see them dramatically sliding to our right. The way they see it, they’re more balanced than ever.
Situation Theatre has today obtained extraordinary vision of the drastic slide to the right of most Australian media outlets.
The two minute clip features Sean Micallef, standing in not just for the ABC but also for the Nine newspapers as well as the Murdoch Press, sliding swiftly to the right in a dangerous and damaging fashion.
The clip shows that while there have been attempts made to resist the immense rightward pressure exerted by the Coalition Government, these attempts have been impotent in the face of such nefarious forces. These outlets can be seen sliding to the right and taking a bowl of lemons, the Australian people, along with them.
The clip concludes with a level of self-awareness from the mainstream media outlets that makes one begin to suspect this might be fake news.
“That’s the hospital, I’m wanted in surgery urgently, I must leave immediately”.