By Situation Theatre 9/11/2019
Unconcerned by 12 years of panels defending state violence against refugees, Aboriginal people, Muslims, and protesters, free speech crusaders think a panel defending hypothetical minority violence is a bridge too far.
Right-wing adherents to the Hypocritical Oath have been up in arms this week about a Q & A episode which featured controversial arguments in favour of violence of resistance instead of good old-fashioned arguments in favour of the violence of oppression.
Some passionate defenders of the right to be a bigot have called for Q & A to be cancelled for shockingly discussing in theory why minority violence might be sometimes justified, instead of calmly and rationally explaining why state violence is always justified.
How dare these women commit thought crimes by even considering the legitimacy of violence as a response to colonisation, oppression, rape and genocide.
Why can’t they just be good Q & A panellists and rationalise the torture and murder of refugees in concentration camps, countless Aboriginal deaths in custody, political rhetoric which fuels the mass murder of Muslims, and the beating of unarmed protesters?