By Situation Theatre 11/9/2019
The increasingly oppressive climate of corporate capture does lead to more frequent and intense rhetorical disasters.
Although natural disasters Minister David Littleproud may claim to “not know if climate change is man-made”, scientists do know that such statements are man-made, specifically by men in the coal industry.
The billions industry groups spend each year lobbying politicians, the millions donated to the major parties, the hundreds of thousands of words printed in the Murdoch press to spread misinformation and protect fossil fuels, and the revolving door between Canberra and the board rooms of the nation’s coal companies, are all triggering dangerous anti-democratic conditions which make extreme rhetorical events much more likely.
Minerals Council of Australian representatives David Littleproud, Bridget McKenzie, Matt Canavan, and Sussan Ley have all denied knowledge of or downplayed the link between more extreme anti-science propaganda and the corporate capture of the entire political process.