By Situation Theatre 17/9/2020
“No one wants a functioning democracy”, the Agreement Leader said.
Exciting news for fans of a one-party state today with Consensus Leader Antony Albanese announcing that his party will drop their previous modest 2030 target to start acting like a meaningful opposition in favour of a 2050 deadline.
The man notorious for fighting Tories by strategically signing up to everything they do denied that the point of an opposition party is to oppose destructive government policy now.
“It’s about planning to oppose it in about 30 years, once all the irreversible damage is done,” Mr Albanese said.
Asked why he wouldn’t form an alliance with the Greens and take down these ecodical proto-fascists with a democratic socialist agenda much more likely to succeed than yet more morally and intellectually bankrupt neoliberalism, he said something incomprehensible about the CPRS in 2009 before leaving for a meeting with Adani executives.