By Situation Theatre 12/10/2019
The public broadcaster continues to uphold the subsections of its own charter which clearly mandate weekly airings of Gerard Henderson’s Coalition stump speeches.
In compliance with the most stringent standards of independence set out by John Howard in 1996, the ABC will continue to balance journalism with Liberal Party propaganda on Sunday’s edition of Insiders.
Appearing alongside Guardian Australia editor-in-chief and actual journalist Lenore Taylor will be Michael Stutchbury, whose son Harry, you will be shocked to learn, worked at the NSW Minerals Council then become leader of the NSW Young Liberals.
“Stutch” will join “Gerard”, a robot programmed by the Liberals during the Cold War to defend the most morally bankrupt institutions of our society ad infinitum.
“Gerard’s” dated, malfunctioning software has just been updated,so look forward to some cutting-edge insights on how Howard played an absolute blinder with the highly successful Iraq War and some piercing analysis of the seven reasons why George Pell is misunderstood.