By Situation Theatre 27/07/2015
The Australian people have finally brought the nation’s politicians to account for the poorest job performance since Alexander Downer’s 'glory day' as opposition leader in the mid-90s. Or at least since Mal Meninga’s 28 beautiful seconds in 2001.
The citizenry called federal leaders into their office this morning and said they were ‘fed up’ with leadership so cringe worthy it makes David Brent look statesmanlike.
In response, the Libs protested they were working hard on ‘helicopter benefits’ for MPs. Labor lambasted this policy initially then seconds later agreed that better access to helicopters for politicians would help stop asylum seekers drowning at sea.
The people then told the gaggle of major party pollies to clear out their desks and never come back.
The Greens are the big winners from the mass redundancies and Australians are looking forward to having leaders who actually stand for something.